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Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at AHS

At Advanced Hormone Solutions, a leading hormone clinic in the Manhattan area, we provide advanced bioidentical hormone replacement therapies to help patients like you, reclaim their well-being. Unlike synthetic hormones, bio-identical hormones are created to be indistinguishable from the hormones that occur naturally within our bodies giving you the advantageous effects of those needed hormones without all the side-effects of traditional synthetics. Have you been feeling run-down, forgetful or uninterested in things around you? You may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance. Hormones are needed by our bodies to keep them working optimally and to feel energized. As we age, there is often a natural decline in hormone levels which can negatively impact our quality of life, should they decline below a certain point.

Why Suffer Needlessly? Leverage Hormone Replacement Therapy Today

Both aging men and women can benefit almost immediately from bio-identical hormone replacement therapies. Advanced Hormone Solutions works closely with each patient to assess each one's needs based on a comprehensive health profile. We work to ensure that your symptoms are addressed through a carefully planned regimen.

Some of the symptoms we treat at Advanced Hormone Solutions include:

  • Fatigue
  • Low Libido
  • Weight Gain
  • Stress
  • Mood Swings
  • Night Sweats
  • Hot Flashes
  • Female Hair Loss

Such symptoms can be associated with menopause (early menopause or perimenopause) as well as andropause (the male version of menopause) - all life events which are controlled by hormones.

Become Re-Energized with Hormone Replacement Therapy

Working closely with you, Advanced Hormone Solutions consultants, trained in Bio-Identical Pellet Hormone Replacement Therapy, will assist you through the process which begins with a detailed lab study (based on a simple blood test) and ends with a doctor's appointment (at which point your symptoms will be addressed with a specific line of treatment). It's important to note that each regimen is specifically tailored to each patient, and that nutrition and exercise are equally important in developing a treatment.

Your Well-Being is More than a State of Mind

At Advanced Hormone Solutions, we know that hormones play a significant role in how our bodies behave and ultimately, in how we feel. We believe that aging doesn't have to mean feeling "less than" how you felt when you were younger. Our goal is to help our patients reclaim the joy in their lives regardless of their age.